Power BI

Examples of Power BI reports I have designed

Ingrid Aulike

Power BI

Power BI works with relational database schema.

The following Power BI reports are interactive. Expand them to full screen and enjoy clicking!

Queensland coal datasets

For these coal datasets, dimension tables are set up to slice the data in the fact tables.

Three takes on some age group data

In the red ribbon chart without DAX, the age groups are interpreted as strings and therefore are in the wrong order. The green chart in the middle fixes this, but the Number of Cases axis simply scales to fit the data for each time interval. In the blue ribbon chart on the right it is interesting to explore how Covid took off in Queensland after Christmas 2021, as the axis is fixed; cases up to any date can thus be compared to the total cases by 22/2/22.

Data is messy; using Power BI to see what’s there

Cleaning data is 80% of a statistician’s work. It’s great being able to visualise data to see where problems lie. This one is a two page report.

The well known R NYCFlights13 data.

Three pages linked by slicers.

The type of visualisation can be anything

Ribbon charts are eye catching

This one is another two page report